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   Oh Lord, hear my cry, for I am a sojourner with You, a guest, like all my fathers.  Psalm 39:12

We, as believers, are sojourners.  Those who have accepted Jesus Christ are new creations and citizens of heaven, not because we are good, but because He is good!  He has plans and purposes for each of us.  May we walk in those good works prepared for us, knowing that our days are here on earth are numbered.   May we live without fear, rejoicing daily that we belong to the Lord.  May we not be timid in our faith, but may everyone know to whom we belong.  May our joy and love be so evident, that everyone can't help but ask us the reasons for our hope!  May we shout His goodness and salvation from the rooftops!  May we be useful vessels until the day the Lord calls us home. 


While spending time in His Word, the Lord speaks to me, encourages me, teaches me, comforts me, rebukes me... as His Word is living and active!     Upon recently reading Psalm 39:12, the Lord lit a flame in me and instantly I was singing the chorus.  The following are some more scriptures of inspiration for this song:


Why my soul are you downcast, why are you disturbed within?
Hope in God for I will yet praise Him!  Psalm 42:5


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.  Hebrews 12:1-2

 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  John 15:18-19


Let His praise be heard!  Psalm 66:8

Much gratitude to those who helped me in the creation of this song, first and foremost the my Lord Jesus who gave me the song and the reason to sing!  Also much thanks to  my brother Pat Yates for his expert drums; Marty Silver with his groovy bass lines; and Pastor Carl Gurbisz for His outstanding production assistance and film clips.

An added note of thanks to BardsFM for encouraging hymn singing and creating music.  This gave me the added boost I needed to get 'er done!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sojourner


I am a sojourner with the Lord

With all Gods people who’ve gone before

Surrounded by Your steadfast Love

I am a sojourner with the Lord


Why my soul are you downcast

Why you so disturbed within

Hope in God for I will yet praise Him!  


I am a sojourner with the Lord

With all Gods people who’ve gone before

Surrounded by a cloud of witnesses

I am a sojourner with the Lord


Make me number all my days

Teach me Lord all Your ways

Every breath is from You Lord I’ll praise You!  


I am a sojourner with the Lord

With all Gods people who’ve gone before

Surrounded by a cloud of witnesses

I am a sojourner with the Lord


I’ll fix my eyes on Jesus, building my treasures in heaven

I’m a citizen of heaven singing Glory!  Glory to God!   


I am a sojourner with the Lord

With all Gods people who’ve gone before

In this world but not of this world

I am a sojourner with the Lord


My shield and my deliverer I put my trust in You

I’m purchased by the blood of the Lamb, my Jesus!


I am a sojourner with the Lord

With all Gods people who’ve gone before

Surrounded by Your steadfast Love

I am a sojourner with the Lord


With all Gods people who’ve gone before

In this world but not of this world

I am a sojourner with the Lord

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